Our Ingredients

Our ingredients are GMO FREE and DO NOT include soda or any tenderizing powder

The meat the vegetables and bread are all delivered fresh in our kitchen and then the magic begins. With the proper treatment from our staff the different ingredients are transformed to beautiful flavors and aromas for our demanding customers.

Fresh Meat

Locally produced real meat cuts of Pork, chicken lamp and beef. All our recipes are handmade from whole pieces of meat carefully selected, sliced, marinated and aged by our in-house chefs.

Fresh Vegetables

Locally produced and delivered fresh to our kitchen staff every morning. When cleaned and diced they are ready for becoming salads of baked in the oven.

Our bread

Fresh Greek pitta, sourdough bread and Cretan barley rusks hard bread

Virgin Olive oil

Locally produced extra virgin olive oil is used for the salads and for marinating and cooking purposes.

Oregano blossom

This is the real oregano coming from the blossom of the oregano bush and not from the leaves of the plant.

Feta Cheese

Feta cheese is a Greek specialty and its origin goes back a long way in history, it is considered to be one of the oldest cheeses in the world.

The earliest record of feta cheese dates back to the Byzantine Empire. It has been associated closely with Crete, located in present day Greece. An Italian traveler to the city of Candia makes express mention of the curing processes in brine cellars in his writings, dated 1494.

The word “feta” has an interesting genealogy. It comes from the Italian word Feta (meaning slice). Feta, in turn, is of Latin origin from offa (meaning bite or morsel). It first appeared in Greek language in the 17th century, possibly referring to the process of serving the cheese by cutting it in thin slices. Many, however, attribute a Classical Greek origin to feta cheese. According to myth, the Cyclops Polyfimos was the first to have prepared it. In the museum of Delphi, 6th century BC artifacts also make references to the process of feta cheese-making.

Feta cheese in 2005 secured a protected designation of origin in the European Union, and is defined as having a minimum of 70% sheep’s milk, with the rest being goat’s milk.


Halloumi cheese is traditionally prepared from sheep’s milk in the Greek island of Cyprus, It is a soft curd-like cheese free of rennet and safe for vegetarians who do not eat rennet. Halloumi is characterized as a semi-hard, unripened, and brined cheese made traditionally from mostly sheep’s milk with the addition of a smaller amount of goat’s milk. It has been around for many centuries and the name Halloumi is automatically associated with Cyprus but it is also popular in Greece, the Middle East and is now made around the world.
Halloumi may have its origins in the Beduin tribes of the Middle East who probably found its long keeping attributes ideal for their particular way of life. Its presence in Cyprus is lost in time, but it was definitely produced on the island before the Turkish invasion of 1571. In older times, Halloumi in brine was an essential part of the peoples diet, especially so in the absence of any refrigeration facilities.